Monday, October 28, 2019

The dawn of the new era of technology, prosperity and anti-recisme. Still lacking behind, is our ability to cope up, that requires the quality of equality not only gender but equality in social,  political and the racial equality. Racial equality where the world surfers a lot, lacking behind in believing the fact that no one has an ascendency over each other.
So called caretakers of the human rights, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! Has one of the most disgust violation of racial discrimination in-fact it’s the kernel for such acts.
In US alone, More than 60% of the people in prison today are people of color. Black men impersonated in American prison are six times as likely to be incarcerated as white men. For black men in their thirties, about 1 in every 12 is in prison or jail on any given day. In a recent survey, 87% blacks are generally succour subordinate in criminal justice system than whites. And in a survey shortly before last year’s midterm elections, 79% of blacks – compared with 32% of whites – said the way racial and ethnic minorities are treated by the criminal justice system is a very big problem in the United States today. If a murder is to be charged a life sentenced life in US without parole, but for black its voice versa they even get death penalty even for not committing the crime. If a white men commit a crime which has a sentence to imprisonment for 3 years, the black will be sentenced for approximate 30 years imprison.
This is the real face of the world super power who failed to give justice to their own natives.